Tech Rehearsal in Galway

by Northlight Theatre

Though we have done the play before there is no getting around how quickly we have to tech The Outgoing Tide in preparation for our opening tomorrow. The set started being assembled Sunday night at 11:00 PM with our production manager Chris Fitzgerald overseeing the proceedings and the Festival’s Tech Director Peter handling the assembly. The set was built here in Galway and it looks great! Today Casey our lighting guy will focus JR Lederle’s design and tonight we will tech the play from 7 – 11 PM. We’ll finish tomorrow during the day, try to get a quick run thru during the afternoon and then…Opening Night! Just add Water!

It’s amazing what Paul Fahy the Director of the Festival and his crew can do, so many venues, so much material and the logistics are boggling! I stand in awe and admiration. Here is a picture of the Art Gallery on the other side of town and David Mach’s installation. This opened on Sunday and Paul and the crew were all there for that opening. How do they do it?!

So here we go my friends….fast and furious. Wish us luck!

More Anon,
