Opening Night of “The Outgoing Tide” in Galway

by Northlight Theatre

What a great opening!  We were surely pressed for time, and putting a show up with only 8 hours of tech hearkens back to summer stock in terms of pressure, but all hands were on deck and working like the pros they are.  John, Rondi and Thom were in spectacular form and the audience lept to their feet, bringing them back out for extra curtain calls.  There were wonderful laughs and audible sobs, mirroring our experience at Northlight.  And the party after was delightful, with hearty congratulations all around.  Great crack!

Cudos to Chris Freeburg our stage manager and Chris Fitzgerald our production manager, as well as Lighting asst. Casey Diers.  Paul Fahy the AD of the Festival seemed pleased and Tim Evans and I are very proud.  And we were sold out before we opened! What a thrill! Today’s two performances were even better as the cast settles into their groove! This is going to be a memorable week in Galway.  It’s good to be back.

More Anon,



This engagement is supported by Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation through USArtists International in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.