Who knew Beach Blanket Bingo was so risque?!

by Northlight Theatre

from Dina DiCostanzo, (Cindy Lou, The Marvelous Wonderettes)

Girls dancing in bikinis, smooching on the beach, singing by the fire roasting weenies…  Who knew Beach Blanket Bingo was so risque?!

The Wonderettes all came over to my place tonight for a pre-rehearsal fun get together.  We snacked/gorged ourselves on both cucumber and curry chicken salad tea sandwiches, crudites (well, carrots), deviled eggs, Black Cows, and…the surprise hit of the night…strawberry pretzel jello!  All was delicious.

Strawberry pretzel jello, Black Cows, and show research!
Strawberry pretzel jello, Black Cows, and show research!

Ok, Beach Blanket Bingo is so bad it’s good.  You know?  The sound effects are bad, the editing is bad, the acting is bad…but it’s so hilarious you can’t help but love it!  BBB was released in 1965, right in the middle of the time periods when The Marvelous Wonderettes takes place,1958 and 1968.  It was fun to see what the “kids” were wearing, what kind of music they were listening to and how they talked.  There was a song sung by Donna Loren called “It Only Hurts When I Cry” (sung at the weenie roast – random!) which reminded me of the song “Maybe” in MW.  I think tonight not only put us in 50s/60s mode but also helped us get a head start on creating chemistry as a foursome.

Good times tonight…looking forward to more!

A self-portrait of the "Fabulous Four"
A self-portrait of the "Fabulous Four"