The Search for Daddy Long Legs

by Northlight Theatre

Northlight is seeking residents of Chicago and the North Shore who, like the character of Jervis Pendleton, possess a spirit of generosity and a dedication to bettering the lives of others, to be the recipient of the Daddy Long Legs Award!  For more about the award, visit our website.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

My Daddy is the most generous man I have ever met, I hope I find a man half as good as he. His whole life is patterned after the notion that serving others comes before serving ourselves. He treats his wife as a true queen and though they may argue he never loses sight of what she truly means to him. As his daughter I can always depend on him to listen with consideration whenever I have a problem. He can go for days without sleep and yet still find the little ones amusing. The greatest benefit he has brought to my life is that he can speak the truth to me with love and understanding, and can make sense out of the most dark and puzzling situations. I can always depend on him give his all even when is seems he has nothing. Although he may not be famous, and his short stature may keep people from noticing him, his character is truly worthy of the title Daddy Long Legs.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

I am happy to nominate my friend NOMINEE who is the most nurturing person I know.

She is amazing – always alert for the needs of others – the first person to jump up and help someone disabled thru a doorway, the first to recognize a friend who has a problem, generous with her time and always there to offer solace to those in sorrow.  I am amazed her shoulders are not always wet from the tears shed on them.  She has a worldwide group of people who love her for the interest she has shown for them and their family.  She does not have funds, like Jervis, but is a most generous human being.  Her time is yours – her interest is for you and her care is always present.

You could not find another person who betters lives of those around her.

NOMINEE, is a Skokie resident, an artist, and a senior citizen.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

Please consider Skokie resident NOMINEE for the Daddy Long Legs recognition. NOMINEE was a parent at the grade school I attended nearly 20 years ago. I could ramble off a list of ways she contributed to the school and church her kids attended – even after they graduated, but I’d rather paint a picture of who she is to me, because she holds a special place in my heart. As an 8th grader in 1995, I wanted nothing more than to attend a Bulls game and sit on the floor – so close I could smell the players sweat – and keep in mind this was in the Michael Jordan days. NOMINEE helped organize the school’s single largest annual dinner dance/auction fundraiser. While she solicited items for the silent auction, the truth is she personally donated several of the items, including two tickets to the Bulls game on the floor. I remember giving my parents what was probably my life savings at the time to bid on the tickets. The life savings of an 8th grader doesn’t go far against the check books of professionals, but everyone, including NOMINEE knew how badly I wanted those tickets. No one understood why NOMINEE bought back the Bulls tickets she donated (for a lot more than she paid for them originally), but at the end of the night she went up to my mom and said “you give these to Jessie” (she’s also the only person to this day I allow to call me Jessie because she says it with such true interest in who I am as a person). It was a simple act of generosity that she did for no recognition other than to make an 8th grade kid smile. When I called to thank her the next day, I remember telling her, “one day I’ll do the same for someone else,” and now as a 30 year old professional I remember that act and seek to find an opportunity to pay it forward. Her actions inspire and have lasting effects. I hope you’ll seriously consider her for this recognition – though I know if she won, she’d be so stunned, because she does what she does for no other reason than it’s who she is.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

When anyone hears the name NOMINEE, the first thing that comes to mind is what a kind, thoughtful and generous woman she is.  A rare breed, NOMINEE has a way of making you feel special whenever she talks to you, and she remembers the smallest of details from conversations you had previously that most everyone else would forget.  The first time we met NOMINEE, she treated my husband and I like we were lifelong friends, and since then, has always made us feel like she is excited to see us and genuinely interested in what’s new in our lives.

We were introduced to NOMINEE by mutual friends who did nothing but sing her praises, telling story after story of NOMINEE ‘s thoughtfulness, generosity and selflessness. After my husband’s stroke several months back, NOMINEE added his name to the prayer list at church and sent cards, emails and messages of hope and encouragement. She continues to do so to this day.

NOMINEE is a very special woman, and our hope is that she can be recognized not only by her family, friends and those she has helped personally, but also by her community.

NOMINEE gives tirelessly her time as well as her talent helping not only people she knows well, but also those she has never met before.

Everyone needs a “NOMINEE” in their lives…we are lucky to have her in ours.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

The most amazing thing about NOMINEE is her kindness, compassion, and thoughtfulness which she shares with her community every day. She is a blessing to every person who knows her. NOMINEE remembers everyone’s birthday with a card and good wishes. She is there for her friends and family during the good times and the bad.  Years after the loss of a loved one she still remembers the anniversary and sends a card. If someone is ill she is there with a warm meal, flowers, or a phone call. She has reached out to so many people with her caring gifts, loving words, and understanding heart. Many of her kind actions are done anonymously. She seeks to help, not to get the glory.

NOMINEE is a life time member of our congregation and a graduate of our school. She has volunteered in our classrooms; served on our Parent Teacher League board, helped to build our playground. She is currently a member of our school board even though her youngest child graduated from our school in 2004. She helps to promote our school by organizing open houses, acquiring and running booths at various community events, and working at every fund raiser. She has touched our hearts with the generosity of her time and talents. No project is ever too big or too small; no detail is ever left undone. Her “touch” has been evident in everything that she has done. She is currently helping to support a family that is seeking religious asylum here in America.

NOMINEE’s talents, steadfast work in our church and school community, and dedication to her friends and family are a shining example of what we all should strive to be. She is the most loving and generous person that I have ever known.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

For years, he kept history alive in a dark basement with nothing but a light shining down on a table in the center of the room.  Call it madness or a labor of love – it became an important part of Evanston’s history – these journals, obituaries, novels, tarnished photos. He longed for a day when he could place these items of historical importance in the light where all could celebrate the accomplishments of their loved ones – past and present.

During community events, birthday parties, weddings and such, he passed out Shorefront journals in hopes that some would take notice and read about the contributions that generations had made along the wonderful suburbs north of Chicago. Then one day, in 2008 at a housewarming, he made mention that Shorefront was looking for a way to expand and was in serious need of a grant writer. And magically, like that, he received what he needed – a writer who cared about history just as much as he did.

Today, NOMINEE is thriving in a 1500 square foot space housing Shorefront’s Library and Gallery in the Evanston community.  He chooses to highlight the success of the community as the reason for the organization’s existence.  With little to no income, he has produced three grant-supported publications on growing up in Evanston and 34 Shorefront journals.  He has spent countless hours speaking with community members to gather this information and then present it in public lectures and exhibitions for all to enjoy.

Many Black families resided on the north shore but little had been printed of substance on their careers, connections to the city, and friendships with many White families. NOMINEE shared with the world the stories of the first Black Alderman Edwin Jourdain Jr., one of the first press pioneers William H. Twiggs, industrial designer Chuck Harrison, Northwestern jazz vocalist Kay Davis who performed with Duke Ellington, the first African American mayor Lorraine H. Morton and countless others.  He presented their stories of sheer determination, confidence, compassion, and intelligence.

And what is his secret? A simple love of history and giving back. He praises his parents for never giving up on the student in him that didn’t always complete his homework.  Parents who sent him to schools where he would be challenged mentally, emotionally, socially and physically. Parents who sought other educated parents to mentor him in work ethic and intellect.

So it would seem that gathering all these items in a dark basement would have been a waste of time to someone who received so much. However, he knows that the “so much” is what he made him care greatly about the well-being of others with so little.

I hope you can find it in your heart Daddy Long Legs to help this one man share his story of giving back in a light that will make others consider its importance.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

Volunteers from the Holy Family Food Pantry in Waukegan nominate our Director, NOMINEE, as Daddy Long Legs of our community.  During her two years as Pantry Director, NOMINEE has transformed the spirit of our community and assisted thousands of individuals with their many and diverse needs.

NOMINEE leads the pantry in providing groceries weekly to hundreds of families.  She plans, orders and helps unload the food; solicits and coordinates obtaining additional food from local churches, businesses and grocers; and she goes the extra mile driving her own car during her off-hours to find fresh produce for the needy. She successfully solicits holiday meals for hundreds, and Christmas gifts for 500 needy families.

However, the pantry operation is only the cornerstone from which all of her other work emanates.  She has spearheaded the development of a summer lunch and backpack food program for at-risk children, a community garden, and a program to provide bikes for adults needing transportation.  She was instrumental in scheduling the Lake Forest Care Coach, foot doctors, and even the library’s bookmobile for our site.  She coordinates furniture, clothing and supply donations.  She makes certain our clothing store has school uniforms for the kids who need them. She coordinates the solicitation of donations to support community outreach, as well as grant proposals for additional funding.

Daddy Long Legs, this is still the tip of the iceberg.  NOMINEE has also transformed our group of more than 100 volunteers into a community that looks after not only the needy or at-risk people who come through our doors, but also each other.  With all this responsibility, Barb always has time to be interrupted to hear the young pregnant girl, the diabetic without insulin, the person in pain needing a dentist, the sight-impaired person with broken glasses, the cancer patient with nutrition needs, the domestic violence person who needs a safe haven, the heartbroken mom who can no longer take care of her own children without support or money, the homeless man who has no place to stay, the lonely and unwanted who just want to feel they “belong” somewhere in the neighborhood and need a safe and welcoming place to go.  Day after day, Daddy Long Legs, people like this come through our door and ask, “Where’s NOMINEE?”

NOMINEE accomplishes all of this without taking personal credit, always putting others’ needs first. When there was no money for food for the backpack program, she bought it herself, telling noone. When she leaves after a full day, she sends emails and calls volunteers with support.  She is always open to new programs and services

NOMINEE is the embodiment of “yes, we can,” with a smile, non-stop energy and great humility.  She always talks about all the work her volunteers do, but never pats herself on the back.

NOMINEE is an unsung hero who has uplifted thousands with a humble, personal touch. You could not find a better candidate for your first award.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

I would like to nominate my friend and neighbor, NOMINEE.  There is much about Jerusha’s spirit and goals that remind me of NOMINEE. NOMINEE has always been passionate about the rights and dignity of children and has worked tirelessly to ensure that these ideals are served by our society, especially for the under-privileged and homeless.  She has had an impact in our own city of Chicago, but also nationally as she has worked to bring change to how the judicial system treats children.  Even with her incredibly busy and dedicated professional life, she always has devoted time and energy to her family and friends. She shares her stories and encourages all of us to do what we can to encourage change.  She is model for living with charity,  love, and devotion to all that education can bring to make our world a better place.

I am attaching NOMINEE’s keynote address at Hull House in honor of Jane Adam’s (another Jerusha kind of girl!) 150th birthday and below is NOMINEE’s bio from Northwestern University where she teaches and is Director of Policy and Programs for the Children and Family Justice Center.*

I think Jerusha and Jervis would applaud NOMINEE as well as you Daddy.  ;)


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

I would like to tell you about NOMINEE.  I believe she would be a wonderful candidate for the Daddy Long Legs Award.  I have never met a more thoughtful, caring person.  She is generous with her time, talent and treasure.

NOMINEE is the first one to send a card or show up at your door with a gift or a carload of food.  My family and I have witnessed and received her generosity and love.

She volunteers countless hours for our church and school functions.  NOMINEE has a wonderful gift for decorating.  She can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary and the drab to dramatic, in no time.

There are so many ways she gives of herself, be it to her family, friends or community.  NOMINEE cares about everyone from infants to the elderly and to animals.  She will celebrate your joys and lift you up in sorrow.  She has a huge heart, wants no repayment and she shies from recognition.  Receiving this award would be a wonderful way to thank her and give a piece of our hearts back to her.

Thank you for your consideration.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

I would like to recommend NOMINEE of Skokie as the Daddy Long Legs of our community.  NOMINEE is a person who possesses a spirit of generosity and a dedication to bettering the lives of others.

I have known NOMINEE since grammar school, since her older sister and I were classmates.  NOMINEE and I still attend St. Paul Lutheran Church in Skokie and that is where I have witnessed most of her “good works.”  NOMINEE is the person who visits the elderly, brings people meals, chauffeurs them to the doctor, writes notes, sends flowers, etc.  She always makes people feel important.  Just the other day I received an email from NOMINEE reminding church members to send cards to a fellow church member who is going to celebrate a 90th birthday.  I remember when my parents died, she handed me a special handkerchief with a cross dangling from it.  A kind word, a smile, a reassuring touch – NOMINEE always seems to know what to do.

NOMINEE also had endless energy.  Besides being a devoted wife and mother of three, she is frequently involved in fundraising events for our church and school.  In addition, she was very involved at Niles West High School.  NOMINEE is currently a leader in the Skokie health fair.  The list of her acts of kindness goes on and on . . .

I hope you will seriously consider NOMINEE for the Daddy Long Legs award.  She is a positive reflection of our community.  Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

During the second semester of her freshman year, Jerusha was angry and wrote in her letter to Daddy Long Legs, “You never show the slightest interest in anything I do.  And probably the only reason you are educating me is not because you care about me but because of a sense of duty.”  The same could never be said of NOMINEE, a longtime resident of Highland Park.  Like the original Daddy Long Legs, she stays in the background, not one looking for accolades, but her spirit of generosity towards others rings loud and clear.

In NOMINEE’s own words, “Volunteering is a way to ‘give back’ to society that shepherded me through life cycles, joys and problems, and that also help to fulfill my personal vision of a caring, thoughtful community.  Volunteering provides a vehicle for thoughtfully intervening where resources are limited and sharing one’s own resources in a way that is empowering and fulfilling.”  As a lifelong volunteer, her greatest effort was the formation of the Mather High School Alumni Fund.  Her personal goal for this organization was to aid in the positive development of our youth.  “I believe that the future of our society is shaped by the way we educate, motivate and encourage children.  Adolescence is a particularly vulnerable time for positive or negative development.”

The Alumni Fund serves a diverse group of Chicago high school students by offering scholarships and providing alumni volunteers who assist students in translating their interests and skills into goals and career paths.  Richard Rice, President of the Alumni Fund says of NOMINEE “I have been involved in organizational activities throughout my adult life.  Seldom have I been involved with the “but for” person.  Clearly, but for NOMINEE, the Mather High School Alumni Fund would not exist, and ten very deserving students would not have benefited from our college scholarship assistance.  NOMINEE has brought wisdom, insight, focus, passion, persistence and temperament to the creation of a volunteer organization that is continuously growing and expanding its impact on a unique urban public high school.”

One important role NOMINEE has with the Alumni Fund is to mentor students who have received scholarships as they continue through college.  In the words of one of those students, ” NOMINEE is a rare and unique individual who has a heartfelt concern for the needy and disadvantaged. She gives you courage to live and work hard, while helping you along the way.  She is simply an inspiration to all of us.”  Another student says of NOMINEE, “When I think of NOMINEE, the following quote comes to mind “You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” I feel indebted to her contribution to my education as she enabled me to achieve my dream at a time when my family’s financial situation was anything but ideal.”

It is with great honor that I nominate NOMINEE for the Daddy Long Legs Award.


Dear Daddy Longlegs,

I have a friend that I must tell you about. Her name is NOMINEE. She is the nicest, most generous and truly caring individual I know and I do know a lot of nice people.

Just for starters, NOMINEE is a one-woman work horse who happens to be creative, sensitive, generous and willing to help whomever and whenever she is asked or even not asked. A few examples of her caring attitude and actions include leaving a basket of prepared food at my daughter’s doorstep when she broke her ankle and doing the same for countless friends and families from our school and church.  Our school does not have air conditioning and during the very hot days last spring, NOMINEE initiated and supplied an “oasis” of cold water and popsicles for the faculty, staff and students.  The ‘Oasis’ continues. The fact that her own children went to our school but are now in college or working does not make a difference to her. She comes most days to ‘help’ in the preschool rooms or have coffee and donuts for a ‘drive thru’ as parents drop their children off in the morning. By the way, NOMINEE declares she is not a morning person.

NOMINEE visits those in the hospital and brings them little gifts like magazines, little flashlights, notepaper and pens. All in a little gift bag. They feel so special. An elderly lady passed away who had no family. NOMINEE made certain that most who knew the lady were aware of her funeral arrangements ; even cleaned the lady’s apartment out and delivered items to those in need per the lady’s request.

She can sense the needs of others and seeks to fulfill those needs usually anonymously and with her own family’s money. She doesn’t ask for accolades nor does she expect them. She is just a giving person.

I believe one of the best acknowledgements of NOMINEE’s incredible ability to help others came when my grandson gave his 8th grade graduation speech. He spoke of ten things he had learned while at St. Paul.  Number 5 was “I’ve learned that NOMINEE is everywhere and can do anything.”

I know there are a lot of giving people in the Chicago land area but I truely believe NOMINEE is very deserving of the Daddy Long Legs award.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

We write to nominate NOMINEE, a life-long resident of Skokie, to receive the Daddy Long Legs Award.  NOMINEE would probably be appalled to learn of our nomination as she prefers to do her good deeds behind the scenes, without attribution or accolades.  However, her generosity towards her friends, neighbors, community, as well as complete and utter strangers, merits recognition.

NOMINEE is a devoted wife and mother of three terrific kids.  Taking care of a home and family keeps most people more than busy.  But somehow NOMINEE finds the time to do countless good deeds and improve her community, one person at a time.  Here are just a few examples.

A couple of years ago, NOMINEE heard about an elderly woman, Ursula, who was living in an assisted living center in Skokie and who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer.  Ursula was from Germany and had very few relatives or friends in the United States.  NOMINEE had never even met Ursula, but she offered to drive Ursula back and forth to the hospital, and stayed with her throughout the appointments, which sometimes lasted the better part of a day.  This was no easy task at first, for Ursula was, frankly, grouchy and demanding.   NOMINEE didn’t let it bother her.  She showered Ursula with humor and smiles, and did her best to make Ursula feel comfortable and loved.  When Ursula was admitted to the hospital at one point during her treatment, NOMINEE visited her often.  Prior to Ursula’s discharge from the hospital, NOMINEE restocked Ursula’s pantry (at NOMINEE’s expense) with Ursula’s favorite foods and decorated her apartment with streamers and balloons.   NOMINEE became the bright spot in Ursula’s day.

More recently, NOMINEE learned of a family in Skokie who had fled their homeland and were seeking political asylum.  Again, NOMINEE did not know the family but was touched and concerned by their plight.  The family lacked many of the necessities for basic daily living so NOMINEE asked her friends and neighbors to donate what they could.

We belong to the same church as NOMINEE.  She works tirelessly to raise money for the church and the school.  She has organized more fund raisers than we can count (craft shows, dinner dances and more).  She keeps close tabs on elderly church members and has organized birthday card campaigns to ensure that their mailboxes are stuffed full on their birthdays.

We could go on, but given the word limitation, we hope these examples suffice to demonstrate that, like Jervis Pendleton, NOMINEE is one of those individuals whose kindness and generosity makes our community a better place.

Thank you for your consideration.  Our contact information and that of NOMINEE’s are provided on the attached sheet.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

My friend, NOMINEE, is a beautiful person in every sense of the word.  I have just my story about NOMINEE to share but anyone who’s had the extraordinary good fortune to have NOMINEE in their life would have one demonstrating her beautiful, generous spirit as well.

Seventeen years ago NOMINEE’s son, Joe, and my son, Mike, were best friends.  I didn’t know any of the mothers in Mike’s class but NOMINEE made sure to make me feel welcome and included.  Then just a month after our sons’ Kindergarten graduation my worst nightmare happened.  Mike, my only child, died after eating ground beef contaminated with E. coli.  As any parent can imagine, my world was turned upside down as I grappled to cope with my grief.  NOMINEE knew that I was in trouble and in typical NOMINEE -fashion she took the lead in seeing how she could help.  NOMINEE rounded up a core group of my friends and family, people she didn’t even know, to strategize how they could help me cope.  She knew I needed a reason to live and helped me channel my grief into advocacy work on food safety. I can honestly state that one of the reasons I am still here on this earth is because of the love and friendship that NOMINEE has so generously given me over the years since Mike’s death.

Even though we no longer had our kids as a catalyst to keep being friends, NOMINEE made it a point to be there for me.  Not a year goes by that she doesn’t remember Mike’s birthday and death.  Every year there’s a flower or angel on Mike’s grave and I know NOMINEE’s been there.  Every year I receive a loving birthday wish from her.

I can think of no one more deserving of this very special award than my friend, NOMINEE.  My life has been so enriched by having her in it.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

There are a few angels on earth, and NOMINEE of Skokie is definitely one of them.  Her acts
of generosity are legendary.   She has put in thousands of hours volunteering at St. Paul Lutheran Church and Academy in Skokie in every capacity imaginable. She is always the first one to volunteer to help anyone in need, and she will do it in the blink of an eye, never wanting recognition. She is never too busy, or stressed….call her at 3 a.m. and she’ll be there.

For many years she had an adopted family at Christmas with the Box Project, a group that helps families in rural Mississippi. She was even featured in  “Glamour” magazine.

When her son’s classmate died, she was there for his Mom, and worked tirelessly
for Safe Tables Our Priority, a grassroots safe food coalition.   She has volunteered in the Oncology Clinic at Children’s Memorial, serving lunch to the kids in treatment and their families.  Of course she comes with a huge basket of toys for all of the kids!

I think one of my favorite stories about NOMINEE happened at TJ Maxx one night.  We were
shopping for our adopted Christmas families.  There was a Mom and her toddler and she was losing patience with the little guy.  NOMINEE ran out to the car, brought in a toy, gave it to the little one and told the Mom she understood how hard it is sometimes to be a parent.  It was such a touching moment!

NOMINEE has a kind and generous spirit, and she has made a difference in hundreds of lives. She would be a wonderful choice for this special award.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

NOMINEE is who you are looking for.  Here’s a woman that can get any job done.  I do mean any job; such as cooking spaghetti dinners for her church, working a rummage sale, filling the playground with new chips, working in the concession stands, organizing fundraisers, volunteering with children cancer patients at Children’s Memorial, checking in on neighbors, cooking meals for those after surgeries, sending “cheer” cards to those who need them, snow blowing the whole block because she is the only one with a snow blower, remembering important dates with flowers or a nice personal touch, making pretty hankies for funeral services, being with there when the chips are down, being there to celebrate when it’s good news, driving all over to drop off flyers of events (like the free flu shots) and so much more.

She’s a woman who does it because it needs to be done.  She does it quietly.  She is one of the most giving people I have ever met. She never stops.  She has said that she’s so lucky to have such a good life that all she wants is for others to have the same.

Here’s an example of one act of kindness she has done.  Once I had to have surgery the day before we were moving out of our house.  I couldn’t lift anything over 5 pounds.  I was on pain pills that made me sleep.  After she had put her three children to sleep, she came over to my house at 10:00 p.m.  NOMINEE helped my husband pack the house.  They were done by 6:00 a.m. the next morning. That’s the kind heart she has.

I’m sure you will receive many letters about her.  She gives her time to whatever is needed at the time. So many people have been blessed by her kindness.  It’s time that she’s shown how special she is and thanked for her giving ways.


Dear Daddy Long Legs:

I would like to nominate NOMINEE for your award. Yes, she is my wife, but I would nominate here even if she wasn’t, especially after seeing the production last night and discovering why you are having this contest.

NOMINEE has devoted a substantial part of her adult life to public service. She currently is very active in the North Shore Senior Center as a board member and treasurer and a member of several important committees. She also was co-chair of the center’s annual benefit dinner and show for two years…and still serves on the committee.

Not too many years back, she was board member and chair of the Evanston Community Foundation. There was dramatic growth in that organization during her tenure. Before that she was chair of the Evanston Library Board and instrumental in conducting the architectural competition that led to the design and construction of the new library. All of this, of course, while raising two children and taking care of the hunter-gatherer.

But here’s why the glorious Northlight production we saw last night prompts me to nominate NOMINEE: It was she who suggested three years ago that we endow a scholarship at DePaul University for a liberal arts student who is the first in his or her family to attend college. And we did.

More recently, at a university luncheon she heard that there were no endowed scholarships being offered in the new College of Communication. She put an elbow into my ribs, and now there is one-also for a first-generation collegian-thanks to NOMINEE.

So you see, she’s a real, live Mama Long Legs.


Dear Daddy Long Legs:

I am writing to nominate NOMINEE; one of the most caring and generous people I have ever known.

My family has been blessed to have NOMINEE in our lives.  2009 was a really bad year for my family.  My husband had surgery in January, my grandma had cancer removed in February, I had surgery in May and my dad had surgery in August.  Every time one of us was in the hospital NOMINEE was there and had a special way of brightening up the situations.  She sent cards, delivered little gifts, called to make sure everything was okay and delivered meals when we got home.  We are just one family she has touched.

NOMINEE continues to do this for people from our church, school and people in the community. She gives people rides, mails cards, never forgets a birthday, leaves pies and coffee cakes by peoples front doors, delivers meals, and always knows the right words to say. Just the other day I learned that she was at Children’s Memorial Hospital to help celebrate a child’s birthday (a child she didn’t even know) complete with balloons and cake.

She gives from her heart and always with love without ever expecting anything in return. She possesses a spirit of generosity and dedication to making the lives of everyone she touches better. I don’t know of anyone more deserving than NOMINEE.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

It has been my privilege to be friends with NOMINEE for the past seventeen years.  I know her on a professional level as I taught all three of her children at St. Paul Lutheran Academy in Skokie. I know her on a personal level as we have shared many family celebrations together, including her children’s graduations and my daughter’s wedding.  Since I’ve known her, I have benefited from her love and generosity many times personally and have witnessed many acts of kindness professionally.

NOMINEE is famous at our school as the “pretty blond lady” who is involved in so many things.  I could list for you the many things that NOMINEE does “officially” for our school, but that is not why I am nominating her.  The reason I believe NOMINEE should be recognized is because she does so many things that people don’t even realize.  So many times NOMINEE has worked behind the scenes to somehow acquire money for children to attend our school who otherwise couldn’t afford the tuition.  I currently have a student in my class who has benefited from this help.  Quite honestly, I think she simply provides this money herself, but she doesn’t want us to know because that’s not why she does it.  Here’s my best illustration of NOMINEE’s love and generosity.  I had a little girl in my class who was going through some hard times and was living in a secure homeless shelter for her family’s safety.  She was really struggling which I mentioned to NOMINEE in passing.  The next thing I knew NOMINEE dropped whatever she was doing and was sitting with the girl making little gifts boxes filled with candy that she just happened to have in her car.  She sat with my student for about an hour just listening and providing support.  Afterward the little girl passed out the gift boxes to her friends and felt much better about things.  No one else knew about this other than my student and me, but it was so NOMINEE – doing something not for the recognition, but because it would make a difference in someones life.

Personally she has been a real blessing to my family and me.  She is famous for sending funny and sweet little cards that always seem to arrive just when you need some uplifting.  She always asks how my family is doing and is genuinely interested in hearing about the good times and bad.  She has been following my daughter’s fertility struggles for several years and had tears in her eyes when she heard about the twins my daughter is currently expecting.  Through the years we have shared many a hug – some to comfort and some to celebrate – but all with genuine affection and love.

In conclusion I feel that NOMINEE is an excellent choice of someone in our community who demonstrates generosity and love for people.  NOMINEE is a true blessing to all who know her.  She is generous with her time, her talents, and her treasures and so many people have benefited in so many ways as a result.

Thanks for considering my recommendation.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

Since my family’s arrival in Skokie, we have come to a greater understanding of kindness and giving.  This is not by our own doing; it is because God has graciously placed NOMINEE in our lives. My husband is the pastor of St Paul Lutheran Church in Skokie. During our time here, one name has repeatedly been uttered when it comes to kindness and selflessness: NOMINEE.  I have heard her compared to an angel – one who is there when you need it most, but least expect it – sending a card in the mail, leaving food on your doorstep, always giving kind words.

My first encounter with her was only a few weeks after arriving here, weary from moving during a very cold February with a toddler and two dogs. Recovering from moving and the stomach flu, and then having food poisoning on top of that mess, a knock came at my door.  Here she was with a bag filled with every type of food that Portillo’s offers, “because you wouldn’t feel like cooking with all you have going on.” That was only the start of things. Since then, there have been birthday gifts, just because gifts, food at the birth of our daughter, food just because…and the list goes on.  This is not to mention the funny and uplifting cards she sends on a routine basis, just because.

And one may think that she does this just because my husband is her pastor, and we are his family – absolutely not!  Other friends of ours had been going through a long and drawn out rough time.  She sent and continues to send them uplifting cards every Tuesday, faithfully for three years.  You need a volunteer for something?  NOMINEE is the first to step up and help out, and usually foots the bill.  Is there a walk/run to benefit a good cause? NOMINEE is there (usually with her husband Stan in tow). Just recently I learned that she even goes to the children’s cancer floor at the hospital and throws parties.  I could be surprised, but I am not…it’s NOMINEE. And as if that is not enough, her good will crosses the species boundaries!  Their adopted cat is named Trinity for its three legs.

To sum things up, I need to quote someone other than myself: “The beauty of NOMINEE – she doesn’t want to be recognized. She is Christ-like, in all she does and the community would not understand, and Jesus already knows.”

This woman is amazing, I have only touched on the tip of the iceberg of her kindness, and she would be so embarrassed if she knew anyone was nominating her for such an award.  That, if any reason, is why she deserves to be recognized and have a fun evening out with her family.  She is beautiful inside and out, and we all wish we could be just a little bit more like her.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

Oh boy, do I have a nomination for this award!  I know of only one person, who in the last 20 years, has consistently served others on a DAILY basis!!!  NOMINEE is a one-of-a kind angel to so many people here on this earth!!!

NOMINEE first touched me about 20 years ago when I had just moved into a new home.  She had also recently moved into her new home, had three young children (one was a tiny newborn), and had just broken her leg.

In my opinion, this would be enough to cause a person to “lay low”. Not NOMINEE–She delivers to my new home a huge plate of meat which she beautifully arranged, along with fresh rolls and bread as a way to welcome us into the neighborhood.  That was only the first of a constant show of support, love, and caring from NOMINEE.

I absolutely cannot list all of the things NOMINEE has done for me and my family in 500 words or less.  Suffice it to say that at every single wake, hospital room, joyous occasion, etc. that we have had, NOMINEE has been there–and always with a meaningful gift to share.  It just mystifies those of us who know her how she ALWAYS remembers every occasion, and knows just how to make everyone feel special.

NOMINEE has served her church and school tirelessly for as long as I’ve known her.  She has led numerous huge fundraisers, has decorated the school lavishly for every occasion from Teacher Appreciation Day to the Bridal Fashion Show, and has reached out to any child or adult who is in need of ANYTHING!!!  Always NOMINEE does this with a spirit of fun and kindness.  This list of her volunteer activities could go on forever……….

I’d like to point out, in this nomination, that no one knows everything NOMINEE does for others because she doesn’t tell.  In conversations with others I’ll hear, “Oh, NOMINEE took so-and-so to the hospital”, or “Oh, NOMINEE is outside helping the neighbor get into his house”.  The list here also is endless.  The last thing I noticed was an email that just came from her letting everyone know about an upcoming birthday that we could send cards for.

There really is no way to sum up NOMINEE in words.  She is full of compassion, empathy, and kindness in all she does.  NOMINEE is totally self-sacrificing with her time, resources, and energy.  She reaches out with an amazing sense of what a person needs at a particular time.

I can confidently say that NOMINEE has impacted, in a hugely positive way, hundreds of people!!!  (Oh–and animals too–She has brought in strays, cared for abandoned kittens, and even has a stray pet rabbit)!!!!!

I cannot imagine any one more deserving of this award.  NOMINEE doesn’t ask for recognition or a pat on the back.  She does these things for others naturally and whole-heartedly.  NOMINEE is a truly gifted person, and she shares every gift she has with others.


Dear Daddy Long Legs:

My nomination is NOMINEE. NOMINEE is the most thoughtful, caring, compassionate, generous, and loving person I know. There is no detail that goes unturned when NOMINEE sees a need. There are so many things she has done for me personally and for others.

An elderly congregation member had no family here in America. She became terminally ill and NOMINEE made it her project to see that this woman would not die alone. NOMINEE was by her side throughout the woman’s final days, arranged her funeral, organized the funeral luncheon, and then carried out the elderly woman’s wishes concerning her ashes following cremation. This became a full-time responsibility but NOMINEE made sure this woman died with dignity.

NOMINEE never misses an opportunity to spread some love. She has sent countless notes, small gifts, flowers, and other loving gestures. I have been the recipient of her thoughtfulness many times.

NOMINEE has a gift for knowing when someone is in need. And even more importantly, she always seems to know what to do for that person. Often I have thought to myself, “How does she know?” She has an instinct!

NOMINEE is one of the hardest working people I know. Whenever there is a job that needs to be done, NOMINEE is the first to volunteer. She spends countless hours doing things for others by volunteering her time. She’ll rake leaves, paint walls, clean floors, babysit, run special activities, deliver meals, drive people from here to there, participate in walk-a-thons…there isn’t anything she won’t do to help others.

NOMINEE is a natural when it comes to hospitality. She has such a welcoming way of speaking to people. She is an amazing ambassador for our church and elementary school. When people visit, she is always the person visitors remember.

NOMINEE has a remarkable love for animals. She has cared for many pets that have been injured or ill. She is always caring for something that needs a special touch of love.

NOMINEE is unbelievably empathetic. Many people come to her when having difficulties because they know she cares, she can be trusted, and she just makes people feel better. I know she protects the inner feelings of so many people who need her loving touch.

NOMINEE organizes card-sending campaigns. I get countless emails from NOMINEE requesting cards for people who are ill, celebrating special birthdays, facing surgery, having a rough day…the list goes on. Her goal is to fill mailboxes with well-wishes for others.

Most importantly, NOMINEE is a wonderful wife and mother. Although she is busy doing things for others, somehow she never lets those things take priority over her family. She also takes great care of her parents, providing for them in every way.

Countless times I’ve heard people say they wish they could be like NOMINEE. I have said it myself too. She is an incredible person who is filled with more love for others than anyone I know.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

I can not think of a more caring and dedicated individual than Skokie resident and St. Paul Lutheran Church member, NOMINEE.  She is a well know and highly respected member of the St. Paul community.  She is an active church member who dedicates countless hours to outreach programs for the church.  Even though her children have long graduated from St. Paul Lutheran Academy, she is a well know face to the faculty and children.  Not only is she on the school board, but she volunteers around the school a daily basis.  She is active in all aspects from Open Houses to helping with the preschool.  Her kindness and generous spirit has been an inspiration to myself and as a new member to St. Paul, has made me feel welcomed.  She has also shown kindness and friendship to my family by bringing us meals as my husband recovered from surgery.  I know I can always count on NOMINEE to put her hear into any request made of her and to do it with joy in her heart.


“Thank you for being the most selfless person I know and for always showing me how I should treat others.”  This line has been written in cards to my mom for as long as I can remember.  On many occasions, I am the author.  However, my dad, brother, sister, and countless others have written or said variations of this phrase to my mom numerous instances over her lifetime.

To simply list everything NOMINEE has done would be impossible.  It would also not do her justice.  Sure, the way constantly thinks of others in her daily actions has a direct and noticeable effect on those around her, but there is something else at work.  My mom is an inspiration to everyone on how they should live.  Her actions not only directly affect those around her – they inspire others to do the same.

One of the greatest gifts my mother possesses though, is that she expects no recognition for anything she does.  If she could do every deed anonymously, she would.  She helps others in the community out of her love for people and her pure desire to help them.

One of my mom’s greatest passions is St. Paul Lutheran Church and Academy in Skokie.  Although it has been a long time since our family has attended St. Paul as students, my mother’s dedication to the Institution has only grown.  She realizes what a wonderful place St. Paul is and how important it is not only to the children who attend, but to their families as well.

On any given day, you can find my mom volunteering in the classroom, attending school board meetings, speaking with church and school families to assist them in any way needed, decorating the school for Teacher Appreciation Day, shoveling woodchips to cover the play ground, or handing out coffee to parents dropping their children off at school.

In some ways, you have to think of my mom as Super Woman.  While she spends so much time helping St. Paul, she somehow manages to touch everyone else she comes in contact with.  My mother visits with older neighbors, drops off food orders to elderly members of our church, takes friends to important doctor appointments so they won’t have to be alone, writes weekly cards to sick or struggling friends to let them know she is thinking about them, purchases clothing and a new bed for a local family in need, and even shovels the snow on our entire block.

And her dedication to others is rubbing off on those around her.  This past Christmas, my brother, sister, and I decided that instead of purchasing traditional gifts for my parents and for one another, we would use the money to buy food for a local homeless shelter and a local animal shelter.  And you know what?  My mom said it was one of the best gifts she’s ever received.  It was one of the best gifts we’ve ever received too.


I would like to nominate NOMINEE for the Daddy Long Legs Award. She is my mother and I have witnessed all of the many contributions she has made first hand. The definition of this award matches her directly as a person. I attended St. Paul Lutheran Academy in Skokie, IL. I graduated from Indiana University this last May and to this day she continues to support the school in every possible way. Now even more so than when I attended.  She takes on more responsibility at the school every year she has been there and has touched so many lives. She has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met. There is not a day that goes by where she doesn’t put others needs before her own.

The school has been struggling for the past few years with enrollment and continuous financial issues, in both church and school. She has been involved in nearly every aspect of the school form making banners for any possible event, working tirelessly for hours to better any little piece of the school and church of St. Paul and has remained her main focal point . From organizing daily events of people to taking entire days to spend recruiting for students from six in the morning until 6 p.m. Many nights She has paid for many things that go unnoticed but that’s the way she would want it to be. She has helped to recruit children to keep the school operating.

She is already a very busy woman and what I have witnessed her do has been incredible. She gives all her time to the school and still manages to be an extremely loving mother. She will always help anyone in need of anything at all, which is very rare to be the one asked for these things while not even on the school staff. She is looked up to, to make hiring decisions. She seems to have saved the school with the help of others and has restored morale in this small Lutheran school.  On top of all she already does she still continues to make a contribution to Bear Necessities  to help assist fatally ill children.

Her perseverance through the difficult times at the school has truly been unreal. She is just one of those people that you know everyone is so grateful for. You can just see it when she enters a room of people. It proves that she has touched so many lives for the betterment of the school, as well as the church. She has befriended everyone involved with the school and will not stop until problems are solved. Her compassion for others and a good cause in unstoppable.


Dear Daddy Long Legs,

I am writing to nominate my mother, NOMINEE, for the Daddy Long Legs award.  One might think I am biased, but I believe I am in the perfect position to nominate my mother, as I have been able to experience her generosity first hand for my whole life. My mother is a stay-at-home mom, but those who know her, know her as one of the busiest people around, for she puts everyone before herself.  She knows that small acts of kindness mean a lot, especially to a person going through a hard time. When a family friend had cancer, my mom never failed to send him a weekly card throughout his two-year battle.  In grade school, a friend’s parents got divorced and my mother left a note or gift in her locker every day that year. She often does these acts anonymously. I have countless childhood memories of secretly dropping cards in mailboxes, or leaving flowers by a door for my mom while she would wait in the car ready to pull away. One time my mother and I encountered an upset cashier at Walgreens who had a bad day. After we left Walgreens, my mom bought a flower to bring back to her.

These are just a few examples of the many acts of kindness my mom has done. She has done so many great things so it may seem unimportant that I ‘m focusing on all the cards and small acts of kindness, but I chose to focus on these for a reason. A simple card or gift may not seem like a big deal, but most people would not take the time to do what she does. Most people would not go out of their way to cheer up a store clerk they just met, but my mom would and she does these things everyday. I know that many friends and family have written in to nominate my mother, and will discuss the many generous and selfless things she has done for them and the community, but I felt the need to focus on her “smaller” deeds, because they can go unnoticed, but are an important testament to her greatness.

My mother is so very deserving of this award because she is the most giving person I have ever met. She is always thinking of ways to better other people’s lives, and finds her happiness in helping others. She is the definition of selfless, never wanting any recognition or anything in return. It would be impossible to determine how many people she has touched throughout the years, but this award would help to show her impact. It would mean so much for my mother to win this award because she deserves the recognition that she would never ask for. I am sure that there is no other person who would be as surprised, appreciative and touched to win the Daddy Long Legs award.


Dear Daddy Long Legs:

My nomination for Daddy Long Legs is NOMINEE.  NOMINEE has a daytime job as a Partner in a major law firm but at night and all weekend he is Daddy Long Legs.  He also has a loving wife and 2 loving children.  I have attached NOMINEE’s professional biography.

For 30 years, I have known NOMINEE and his wife, who in her own right is a Mother Long Legs.  Our paths have crossed numerous times.  In our youth, I worked alongside of NOMINEE at the IRS and our paths crossed again as we both taught a CPA Review course, to prepare students for taking the CPA Exam.

I also serve on a board, Jewish Child and Family Services, a non-for-profit organization with a $30,000,000 annual budget of which NOMINEE served as its President for a time.

But I am not nominating NOMINEE for the good work he provided above, which is plenty.  Instead, I introduce you to NOMINEE through the above, so that you can see that I have seen NOMINEE perform his many good deeds, up close and personal.

NOMINEE currently volunteers his time as a Study Buddy, a program where volunteers help kids with their homework.  This is a program run through a non-for-profit organization, Youth Services, of which his wife is currently on the Board.  Though deserving of a nomination by itself, that is not why I think NOMINEE should be Daddy Long Legs.

NOMINEE also volunteers his time through a park district whose volunteers perform free singing concerts in senior homes, libraries and schools.  Again, this is a worthwhile endeavor, but again, this is not why I am nominating NOMINEE as Daddy Long Legs.

The reason that I am nominating NOMINEE as Daddy Long Legs is that over the years NOMINEE has welcomed into his home, over 50 troubled youths, who came from troubled families.  These youths lived in his household 24/7 for various periods of time, the longest being 1 ½ years.  He has had as many as 3 youths living under his roof at one time, each getting their own bedroom.  These teenagers living with NOMINEE have been of many races:  black, white, Hispanic and Asian, they have also been of diverse religions.

There are many deserving people like NOMINEE that volunteer their time for worthwhile charitable causes.  There are also many deserving people that, like NOMINEE, who are major donors to non-for-profit organizations.

I believe what makes NOMINEE more unique, more special and more deserving of the Daddy Long Legs Title is that not only does he open up his calendar, and his wallet but he opens up his home 24/7.  He also offers his beloved family 24/7 to help adolescents and teenagers with no place to call home.  These teens came to him through the Haven of Wilmette, a non-for-profit organization.

The Haven offers 24 hour a day crisis intervention, an outreach program and emergency housing that is combined with counseling.  NOMINEE has opened up his home, his family and his heart for teens experiencing these difficulties. NOMINEE is devoted to the mental health, character development and physical well-being of children in his community.  He knows that a child who experiences social rejection is more likely to suffer academic failure, drop out of school and experiment with drugs.

Like the musical now playing at Northlight, each teen had their own story.  Here are just a few.  I did not want to turn this nomination into a book.

In one situation the mother died and the father went back to Poland, leaving his daughter here so she could graduate from high school.  NOMINEE touched her so much that when she later gave birth to a baby boy, she named him after NOMINEE.

Another teen that stayed with NOMINEE had a mother that had lost custody of her child and a father who had a girlfriend not much older than the child.  The girlfriend and the child could not get along and the father’s greater interest at the time was the girlfriend.

Some children came by way of parents who no longer felt that they can deal with their problem child under their roof.

Another example of a teen who was helped by NOMINEE was a boy who never knew he had a father, and then his father was found.

When these teens were welcomed into NOMINEE’s home, they had been uprooted from parents and siblings.  In many of these cases, the integration and bonding that took place between NOMINEE’s own children and these teens was remarkable.

Before living in NOMINEE’s home, many of these teens had never experienced a loving household.  Some got to go on family vacations, and some were included in various family activities that they had never before experienced.  NOMINEE said his goal was to help put welfare agencies out of business.

Some of these teens thought of NOMINEE’s home as a hotel for teens, with concierge services.

In my opinion, NOMINEE is not only worthy to be Daddy Long Legs, he is also worthy to be Daddy Long Arms because he wraps them widely around those in need.  He is also worthy of being Daddy Long Heart as he has genuine heartfelt feelings for the many that he has touched.