The Importance of New Work

by Northlight Theatre

from BJ Jones

The importance of intiatives like Interplay for theatres like Northlight is vital.  So often a playwright would truly relish a reading, provided by sensitive and supportive artists and theatres where the work is appreciated and the environment is safe. That is the goal for us here at Northlight. The delight for me is in the opportunity to acquaint myself with these artists and to work with them in close quarters.

That paragraph is part of an article I wrote for The New Play Times in Fall 2007.   In the two years since then, I’m proud to say that many of our Interplay readings have gone on to productions around the country – most recently, Lisa Dillman’s Ground has been selected to appear at the prestigious Humana Festival of New American Plays this spring.  And as we get ready for our next reading on Monday, Katori Hall’s Saturday Night/Sunday Morning, I’m reminded again of how important Interplay is.

Read my full article for more of my thoughts on the struggle for and importance of new work.  And I hope you’ll join us for an Interplay reading this season.  I’d love to see you there.

More anon,
