Spreading a little “Suzy sunshine”

by Northlight Theatre

from Cat Davis (Suzy, The Marvelous Wonderettes)

Hello! Cat Davis here, a.k.a. your very own Suzy Simpson. 🙂

I am SO excited to be part of bringing this show to life in Chicago.  I’m from Chicago originally, but recently moved to New York City.  Over the summer, I had a chance to see the show Off-Broadway and I have to say, I had a “Marvelous” time!  Preparing for rehearsals myself, it was great to feel the electricity between the performers on stage and the rest of the audience, and get a little idea of the dynamics between the characters.

Suzy Simpson is your blue-eyed, blonde haired, bubble gum blowing, always optimistic girl-next-door.  I’m having so much fun bringing her to life that sometimes in rehearsal I start speaking like her even when we’re on breaks!   I guess that is part of the fun of being an actress, though… that you get to bring part of yourself to each character you play, and that a part of the character you’re playing rubs off on you as well.

I can’t wait to start performing for you all, and spreading a little of my Suzy sunshine all around Chicago!

Sincerely yours,
