Props: Building the world of Eclipsed

by Northlight Theatre

From Dan Katz, Properties Master

eclipsed-propsphoto1Most properties research for Eclipsed came from pictures that scenic designer Jack Magaw discovered, two of which are included here.  We started pulling ideas from these photos and, as a result of this inquiry, created, built and found a wood cabinet, many many plastic buckets, and the wood pile.

For the women in Eclipsed, many of their personal belongings and clothes come from outside relief efforts, which is why their belongings seem out of place or random in collection.   The actresses were given a lot of material at the beginning of the rehearsal process to work with, so they could choose what was right for their characters as they rehearsed.  Ideas for the looted items came from the script: the mention of a radio led to more electronics, hair extensions to other hair products, and a dress to more clothes and shoes.

eclipsed-propsphoto2Things may appear to be cluttered and disorganized, but it is just another day in the war-life for these women.  It is important to Director Hallie Gordon that the audience experience what life is like on the compound for these characters  and see their interactions with their surroundings.  Much of the women’s time is spent cleaning clothes and doing a lot of cooking.  These are no small tasks in the jungle, so we try to prepare or hide as much of the action as possible.

One of the foods mentioned in the script is cassava.  Cassava is a plant that is the third largest source of carbohydrates in the world, primarily found in Africa.  Its flour makes up tapioca, and cassava can be cooked in various ways.   Fufu is made from the starchy cassava root flour.  Research  showed that while fufu is a common snack in Liberia, garri, another product of cassava, is a much more common meal.   There are great videos showing how to make fufu from cassava online, and it is not as easy to do as it looks.   In the set, the “stove” on which the women cook was modeled from another image provided by the scene designer.