Performing Arts Camp 2009

by Northlight Theatre

from Jason Silverman, Senior Camp Counselor

Northlight Theatre Academy Performing Arts Camp 2009 is off to a terrific start!  Campers have quickly developed new friendships with staff members and fellow campers in a way that is truly special.  I am amazed at the energy and excitement each camper has when they come out of the car in the morning.  They are ready to learn and to play as theatre artists.

In Senior Camp, the campers are taking initiative and responsibility like true adults, producing work that is inspiring and original. It’s incredible to think that in one day, they can adapt a page of  the play A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, learn how to breathe properly, practice some difficult choreography, and rehearse for a complicated show.

In Junior Camp, the campers are bursting with energy and enthusiasm that they have a place to play and act silly and not be made fun of.  These kids are taking risks and having fun while doing it.  Their show Esiotrot promises to be a heartwarming and silly tale for audiences of all ages.

By now, we have had two amazing field trips: one being a “stay-cation” with the Chicago Mime Company and the other going to see Topol in Broadway in Chicago’s Fiddler on the Roof.  Our campers’ artistic minds continue to expand as we expose them to many different theatrical forms and how those forms make them feel and inspire them to do the same.

We also have had two wonderful workshops with mime artist Sarah Rose Graber and Lookingglass member Andy White that taught our campers how to use their imaginations and their bodies in new and exciting ways.  Look out for their influence in our Session 1 Showcases!

nta2009week1292nta2009week1071nta2009week1193nta2009week1332This week has been HOT HOT HOT and what better way to end it than with our first trip to the pool!  After a rainy Friday that turned into an awesome bowling day for Junior Camp, everyone is excited for some fun and some swimming in the sun.

As we reach the end of Week 2 (halfway through Session 1), I would like to give some kudos to Camp Director Megan Shuchman, Leadership Director Jessica Lind, the Creative Team, and the Support Staff for truly making each day of camp an exciting and wonderful adventure. We are all so lucky to say we get to wake up in the morning and get the opportunity to do exactly what we want to do: teach theatre to young minds. Have a great weekend!