On to Session 2!

by Northlight Theatre

from Jason Silverman, Senior Camp Counselor

Hello Again!

Week 4 was an intense, fun, and creative week for our campers, one that they pulled off with lots of flair!  Tech for both camps went incredibly well, much to the help and leadership of Vicki, David, and Martha.  Our kids truly were able to get the experience of performing on a live professional stage.

The showcases on Thursday night were a huge success!  Family and friends were thoroughly entertained by our campers’ work and our campers should be very proud of themselves.

On Friday, we bid adieu to our Session 1 campers and although we couldn’t go to the pool (boo), we were able to have an awesome NTA Session 1 celebration here at Northlight.  Junior Camp created mini-productions of their favorite fairy tales, while Senior Camp played some favorite improv games.  Both camps came together for a pretty cool dance party right on our Northlight stage, complete with lights and booming music.  We all had so much fun doing the conga, playing limbo, and teaching the Electric Slide.

Session 1 flew by so quickly, but it was a total blast.  From all of the NTA staff here, we would like to thank each and every single camper for making each day a joy to come to work and for making our showcases exciting and inspiring.

On to Session 2!!!