Northlight Theatre | Iran donations
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Iran donations

As we learn from Farhad in Andy Warhol in Iran, the struggle for democracy and human rights in Iran is of great significance, not only for the people of Iran but for the world as a whole. A free Iran will have a positive impact on all of us. Women’s rights are a key part of this struggle, and it is imperative that we stand in solidarity with those who are fighting for them.

With that in mind, Northlight Theatre encourages our audiences to consider making a donation to one of the human rights organizations below that are working towards the goal of a free and democratic Iran. Your support will provide crucial resources for those who are fighting for their rights, and it will bring us closer to a better world for everyone.

Click on any of the organizations below to make a donation. Northlight is also collecting contributions in the lobby after each performance of Andy Warhol in Iran. All contributions will be divided among these three organizations.


Abdorrahman Boroumand Center

is a non-governmental non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of human rights and democracy in Iran. Guided by the belief that unremedied human rights violations are a major obstacle to the establishment of a stable democracy, the Center is committed to the right of all victims of human rights abuses to justice and public recognition.


Center for Iranian Human Rights

advocates with governments and major international organizations, and partners with activists around the world to inform the international community of the state of human rights in Iran, advance basic rights and freedoms, and hold Iran accountable to its international obligations.


Hengaw Organization for Human Rights

was founded in October 2016 by a group of human rights activists to report about the extensive human rights violations that were occurring in the Kurdish areas in the west of Iran.


Thank you for your generosity. Together, we can help create a world that is free, just, and democratic for all.

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