Coming from America…

by Northlight Theatre

Our last run thru of The Outgoing Tide went very well on Wednesday afternoon with about 30 people in attendance. Susan Karol our Board President came along with some friends and our awesome Northlight Camp Counselors. Rondi Reed invited her friend Melissa McCarthy’s parents (Molly from Mike and Molly)  and they brought friends. Turns out some of them had seen several shows at Northlight even though they live near Joliet!

It was so reassuring to see their response to the play and we cannot wait to share it with our Irish friends to see how they receive the work.

We are all flying out this afternoon on the same flight and tomorrow we will be in Dublin.

For me this is such a humbling and proud journey. My great grandparents arrived in America from Waterford, Ireland to put the copper work on the Vanderbilt Mansion. Here they found work and a life. Now I return to Ireland, with my art as my work, to share it with my no doubt distant relatives–it is after all a cosy island. I am profoundly moved at this opportunity and grateful beyond measure. My great grandparents would never have imagined this turnabout.

Pictures to come and updates for sure!

More Anon,
